A lot of my images were inspired by photographs I had previously seen whilst research other photographers who specialize in that particular type of photography. For example, for my advert assignment I created a Tumblr account consisting of various fashion photographs which I thought could be an inspiration towards my own photos.
Also, for my Street Photography assignment I researched into different historical locations around Old Portsmouth which would be ideal for my street photographs. Alongside that, I also researched various different street photographers and chose the photographs of theirs which I thought could be used as inspiration for my own work.
I enjoyed taking these photographs a lot as photography is something I enjoy and participate in during my own time. However, there were some elements which proved quite difficult whilst taking these photographs, for example the weather made it quite difficult to capture some of my desired shots as the wind kept blowing my models hair everywhere and it frequently made her dress fly up.This also made Street Photography difficult and it was also windy and cold and threatening to rain when we went to Old Portsmouth, as a result of this there was not as many people out as I would have liked for my photographs.
I acquired many skills during these assignments for example I have learned all about the divisive moment and I have also learned how to capture better shots of people, for fashion photography which will greatly help me in the future.
My own images links greatly to the research I completed as I gathered various images which could inspire my own work, and I did use many of these images. For example:
I was inspired by this image as I like the peacefulness and tranquility of the sea and I was inspired to try to capture the tranquility and beauty of one place in one photograph.
I think I achieved this in the photograph and it too shows the peacefulness and tranquility in one photograph.
I was inspired by this photograph as, at first I thought it plain and boring however after looking at it for a while I really like it and I like the way they used a random object to attract the audience, which is what I want to achieve.
I think I this photograph was successful in creating a photograph that attracted the audience with a random object by finding a can of Monster perched on top of a rock. At first I walked straight past it but I walked back after realizing what a great shot this would be, and it is so random.
If I had a chance to do these assignments again the only thing I would change about street photography is, I would give myself more time to roam around Old Portsmouth taking photographs. However, if I could re-do my fashion photography assignment I would change a lot. I would change my model as out schedules were always clashing which made it difficult to get together to take these photographs. I would also use a wider variety of outfits and locations.
I enjoyed taking these photographs a lot as photography is something I enjoy and participate in during my own time. However, there were some elements which proved quite difficult whilst taking these photographs, for example the weather made it quite difficult to capture some of my desired shots as the wind kept blowing my models hair everywhere and it frequently made her dress fly up.This also made Street Photography difficult and it was also windy and cold and threatening to rain when we went to Old Portsmouth, as a result of this there was not as many people out as I would have liked for my photographs.
I acquired many skills during these assignments for example I have learned all about the divisive moment and I have also learned how to capture better shots of people, for fashion photography which will greatly help me in the future.
My own images links greatly to the research I completed as I gathered various images which could inspire my own work, and I did use many of these images. For example:
I was inspired by this image as I like the peacefulness and tranquility of the sea and I was inspired to try to capture the tranquility and beauty of one place in one photograph.
I think I achieved this in the photograph and it too shows the peacefulness and tranquility in one photograph.
I was inspired by this photograph as, at first I thought it plain and boring however after looking at it for a while I really like it and I like the way they used a random object to attract the audience, which is what I want to achieve.
I think I this photograph was successful in creating a photograph that attracted the audience with a random object by finding a can of Monster perched on top of a rock. At first I walked straight past it but I walked back after realizing what a great shot this would be, and it is so random.
If I had a chance to do these assignments again the only thing I would change about street photography is, I would give myself more time to roam around Old Portsmouth taking photographs. However, if I could re-do my fashion photography assignment I would change a lot. I would change my model as out schedules were always clashing which made it difficult to get together to take these photographs. I would also use a wider variety of outfits and locations.